How Many Herbal Aphrodisiacs? Oct09


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How Many Herbal Aphrodisiacs?

Herbal Aphrodisiac ListWith so much marketing hype, and seemingly new herbal aphrodisiacs hitting the market, it’s difficult to know which ones have actual histories of use or clinical trials to back them up. We do all the work for you, and make it simple and clear which ones to put your hard-earned cash into. After years of research, we have found that out of the hundreds of herbal aphrodisiacs available in the marketplace, only about 24 total have science behind them. When it comes to foods, there are about 24 confirmed foods and/or spices that have measurable aphrodisiac qualities to them.

That’s quite a small number! Also, not all of those 24 herbal aphrodisiacs are effective either. Some are steeped in ancient beliefs. In the ancient world, long before there was science, opinions about the effects of food and herbal products often had a lot to do with the physical characteristics of them. One good example is pomegranate (pictured above to the left).

Pomegranate is associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and fertility. Pomegranates, when first opened, look much like a vulva. Once the fruit is opened, there are hundreds of very sensual seeds. This large number of seeds represented fertility, so women hoping to conceive, consumed a lot of pomegranates. Little did they know at the time, that there’s actually some science behind pomegranate consumption and fertility for women!