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I’m simply a researcher who’s passionate about providing accurate and science-based information regarding herbal aphrodisiacs and aphrodisiac foods. This website is a personal passion, born from my own issues with sexual wellness about a decade ago. When I went to look for helpful information online, I was met with a slew of penis pill ads, and was unable to figure out the hype from the real. Subconsciously I knew that there was no “miracle pill” (except for perhaps Viagra), but that only dealt with helping to achieve and maintain erections. My issue was different; my libido dropped off considerably in both me and my partner once we got into our late 30’s.

We were both healthy individuals in a loving relationship, but age began to creep up and change the nature of our sexuality. We decided to do something about it, and after finding success in both foods and herbs, we wanted to share that knowledge and success with you here. Since that time, I’ve answered hundreds upon hundreds of questions regarding sexuality and herbal aphrodisiacs, I’ve tried and documented numerous recipes that help with blood circulation in both males and females, to herbs that can help increase vitality overall.

There are some real lemons, but in the mess of herbal aphrodisiacs, there are definitely some that are based in science, and deliver on their promises. Save yourself hours of fruitless searching, and wasted money on low quality products, or products that don’t work at all. Everything here is based in science, and if there’s not ample scientific evidence to back up any claims made with any herbal aphrodisiac we discuss here, we let you know us front. Not all medicines work for all people, and herbal aphrodisiacs are no different. What might be the perfect solution for one person, may not have any effect on another.

We encourage you to be patient, to give a fair shake to any herbal aphrodisiac you choose, and to temper your expectations somewhat.